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Menopausal vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of menopause and its associated declining oestrogen. This discomfort is not just experienced during intercourse (or penetration) one can experience burning, pain and itchiness in the area as well as a frequent urge to urinate and eventually even recurrent urinary infections.

Know that there are many things we can do to help this! You are not alone.

Mindset is so important

We need to embrace this new stage of life for there are many new freedoms that we gain as we move past, peri-menopause into our time of wisdom. It is such a relief to no longer have to worry about falling pregnant, bleeding on our clothes, feeling exhausted from low energy of anaemia, sore and painful breasts, or the moodiness that many experience premenstrually.

Of course, we may also experience this time as a time of loss. Our western society has not shown the value on older women that other cultures have. However I believe that this is changing. We move from the sexy and fertile woman to the wise and grounded one. If you are struggling with accepting the change of 'season' that you are going through, it may be helpful to seek some help with loving yourself again with counselling, tapping or some similar type therapy.

Topical applications can be applied to the area on a daily basis using:

  • Coconut oil helps protect the vaginal lining. (Easy to use, keep it in the fridge so it stays solid and just use a teaspoon or a small melon baller to get a small piece off at bed time and insert when in bed (need to wear undies to bed as it will melt and leak)

  • pure aloe vera gel

  • vitamin E. Pierce a vitamin E capsule squeeze out and apply. Do check for additives in the capsule as they may irritate. (Always do a test first on a non-sensitive area to ensure your body doesn’t react to the substance.) or

  • consider using a jade egg for helping increase lubrication and libido. This will also help release trauma and tension out of the area -

  • YES VM - vaginal moisturiser a plant based lubricant for both men and women

Foods and teas to help with increasing your oestrogen levels

  • It is important to ensure you are eating enough protein and healthy fats

  • drink red clover or alfalfa tea for their phyto-oestrogenic compounds

  • take 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds each day or follow seed cycling read the article here

  • brassica vegetables – broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, collards, kale, bok choy

  • ingest plants with phytoestrogens – soy products (fermented, non GMO), oats, barley, lentils, sesame seeds

Supplements that may be beneficial

  • A probiotic specific for the vaginal flora will help with creating a healthy vaginal microbiome

  • Evening primrose oil capsules

  • Seabuckthorn oil

  • Vitamin A (specific for the mucous membranes)

  • Support your adrenal glands with adrenal herbs, B vitamins and magnesium

What else?

There may be other underlying factors that need to be addressed. This is where I can help you to work out what is going on in your body. Low oestrogen can contribute to anxiety, blood sugar imbalances, as well as brain fog, poor sleep, our digestion and the way our body detoxifies. All these factors can cause low libido and low mood. This is not the way you want to feel for the next 30 years of your life.

Work with me to make a plan. Book in for a free discovery call

Below are some articles that you may find helpful.

  • Article -DUTCH hormone profile. This tests for a wide range of hormones including oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, melatonin, cortisol and more

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