Zinc is arguably the most important trace mineral for human needs. To date, researchers have found that more than 200 enzymes that are zinc dependent in the human body. That’s more than all the other mineral-dependent enzymes in the body combined!
Zinc is vital for the growth and repair of all tissues, the activity of many hormones, and for a healthy immune system. Symptoms and signs of zinc deficiency in people may include slow growth, poor wound healing, rashes, diarrhoea and decreased immune and sexual function.
Zinc supplement has been found effective is assisting in the management of:
Recurrent infections - hair loss
Anorexia - low sex drive
Poor appetite - infertility
Poor sense of smell and taste - wound healing
Eczema acne and other skin problems - behavioural disorders
Take zinc only when you need it:
If zinc is so important, you might think that it would be a good idea for everyone to take high doses all the time. This is not the case however, as it has been found that a high intake of zinc for prolonged periods can cause a copper deficiency, which has its own set of health problems. Zinc should therefore be taken only when deficiency is indicated.
How do I know if I need zinc?
Zinc is intimately associated with your ability to taste and smell. It has been found that your taste response to a specially prepared zinc solution, taken orally, can determine if you need supplemental zinc. This Zinc Taste Test is based on the activity of a zinc-dependent enzyme in the taste buds of the tongue, and has been demonstrated to accurately represent functional zinc status.
How can I restore my zinc status? Breaking the “zinc blockade”
Unfortunately, when you are very deficient in zinc it appears that your digestive system cannot absorb zinc effectively via tablets. This means that you need to use an easily absorbed liquid form of zinc, or a powdered form that can be mixed into a drink.
Ask your practitioner which is the best form of zinc for you.
What can cause zinc deficiency?
Stress, poor diet or infection can drain the body of zinc very quickly.
Children, pregnant women, teenage boys and the elderly are more likely to become zinc deficient due to increased requirements or poor dietary intake.
Diets high in grains such as bread and pasta can block zinc absorption.
Foods high in zinc include red meats, nuts and seeds.
Zinc should always be taken after food, to prevent any possible nausea.